I was listening in Sunday School class today and began to think how coincidental (or maybe not) it is that we are studying Nephite government and that we are in the midst of an election campaign and will soon be voting not only for a new president of our country but other issues that will naturally affect us all. The laws which are passed or not, and the people who are elected, or not, will have a lasting effect on our nation and our lives and we sure want to make the correct decisions. I believe that as in the Nephite government if we choose leaders and pass laws that are "laying aside the commandments of God, and not in the least aright before him; doing no justice unto the children of men"* that our nation will perish as the Nephites did.
I get the feeling that so many people do not know what they are really looking at when they see a commercial about something that someone wants them to vote for or against on the television or hear it on the radio or read about on the internet. Just listening to commercials is not the way to understand the issues. And just voting your emotions and not looking at the "big picture" when you vote or make decisions on voting is not smart.
I see people voting their emotions, their race, their culture, their prejudices, their sexual preferences, their tax status, their personal causes, voting against the establishment because they are young and not because they know what is going on, and yes, even their religious preferences. What I don't seem to see or hear people saying is, "Go here and study the issues and this is where to find them." They just blog emotionally, report emotionally, and beat you up if you don't agree with them.
My main point is that we must be more than superficial voters. Studying the issues and the candidates is imperative. Don't just listen to the lobbyists for the candidates or the issues. Find out for yourself.
As a member of the LDS Church, ambassador for Jesus Christ, patriot, and United States citizen, I have a little bit of insight about the specialness of this land and its purpose in bringing the Gospel to the earth again. Prophets also warn us that if/when this nation becomes more wicked than not that we will not be protected anymore. It is scary to think that I can see that as an actual event.
At least go to the platform website for candidates and read. At least read the issues before us. Protect this country from the adversary.
We have agency from God and from our nation. Let's use it.
McCain PlatformBarack ObamaGo to the Secretary of State webpage for your state to read the issues from your area. Just Google it.
I have also been reading more than just the issues but also reading "The Proclamation on the Family", General Conference issues, the writings of the prophets, the scriptures. And I have been praying. Prayer can help you and me make the decision. But we have to know what we are deciding on.
And to put my own 2 cents worth in (and I can because this is my blog) I don't understand why anyone who is a member of the LDS Church would support issues or candidates contrary to the teachings of the Savior. I read a blog once that asked, "If same-sex marriage is legalized will the Church be required to allow those sealings in the temple?" WHAT???? My nephew told me that a Sister in his ward stood up and bore her testimony that she was happy that same-sex marriage had been legalized in California so that her son could now marry his partner and they could be happy. What about the scripture that says "wickedness never was happiness?"
And that is not the only issue on the block that is directly opposed to the teaching of the Gospel.
Okay, I am off the soap box on that. Just go make an informed decision and DON'T FORGET WHO YOU ARE AND WHOSE YOU ARE.
Thank you and good night.
*Book of Mormon -Helaman 7:4