Monday, August 25, 2008

Baby Becky's Birthday!

Today is my sister's birthday so today she gets a little blogging done about her.
Probably no one would have thought that this darling little baby girl would one day be the mother of 9 children.
I was told that before she was born I called her Baby Becky. She was my baby.
She is one of my closest friends and she can make me laugh like one one else.
Descriptive words: Hardworking, generous, creative, motherer, funny.

Here are some more pictures through the years.
Looking like her granddaughter, Ryan.

The two of us together on the farm in Prairie Creek, Indiana.

With her hubby, James. 1975

With Alex and Eli. I love this picture! Only 7 more to go!

Happy Birthday, Rebecca! Hope you have a great day! I love you.

1 comment:

Jaymesmom said...

I love the picture of you in the little shorts pulled up to your chest and mary jane shoes. Your face makes me smile!