Thursday, January 08, 2009

Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? I saw the movie "Bucket List." Then I saw an article in the Smithsonian magazine about the Top 10 or 100 places you have to see before you die. My friend just send me an email with a "bucket list" of things to check off if you have done them. The ones with an X mean I have done them.
Here are a few:

X Gone on a blind date

X Skipped school

Watched someone die

Been to Canada

X Been to Mexico

X Been to Florida

X Been to Hawaii

X Been on a plane

X Been lost

X Gone to Washington , DC

X Swam in the ocean

X Cried yourself to sleep

X Played cops and robbers

X Recently colored with crayons

X Sang Karaoke

Paid for a meal with coins only

Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch

X Done something you told yourself you wouldn't

Made prank phone calls

X Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans

X Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose

X Caught a snowflake on your tongue

X Danced in the rain

X Written a letter to Santa Claus

X Been kissed under the mistletoe

X Watched the sunrise with someone

X Blown bubbles

X Gone ice-skating

X Gone to the movies

Been deep sea fishing

Driven across the United States alone

Been in a hot air balloon

Been sky diving

X Gone snowmobiling

Lived in more than one country

X Laid outside at night and admired the stars

X Seen a falling star and made a wish

X Enjoyed the beauty of Ole Faithful Geyser

X Seen the Statue of Liberty

Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle

Been on a cruise

X Traveled by train

X Traveled by motorcycle

X Been horse back riding

X Ridden on a San Francisco Trolley

X Been to Disneyland or Disney World

X Truly believe in the power of prayer

Been to the top of an active volcano and seen hot lava

X Been in a rain forest

X Seen whales in the ocean

Been to Niagara Falls

Ridden on an elephant

X Swam with dolphins

Ever been to Africa

X Ever eaten just cookies for dinner

X Ever been on TV

Ever steal any traffic signs

X Ever been in a car accident

X Drive a standard shift car

These are kind of interesting trivia. I was thinking about what my really deep bucket list would be. Things that could change my life, change the lives of others, improve the world, deepen my relationships. I am almost afraid to figure out what they are. As we get closer to retirement maybe I should start working on this because I might have time to work on the list.

P.S. For those of you who read this post and saw an x by "stealing a traffic sign" that was a typo. I never stole a traffic sign. Sorry for the confusion. That is illegal. I did have a traffic sign once but I did not steal it. I took it away from someone else and gave it back.

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