I also wondered that after Sunday, a day of rest, why we should still be so tired on Monday.
Reasons I have personally dreaded Mondays.
1. Not sleeping well on Sunday nights due to the dread of Monday mornings.
2. Not being excited about going to employment on Monday where, even though I am an excellent employee, being rated for job performance disturbs me.
3. Not being happy that husband leaves the state often on Mondays to spend the next 3 to 4 days THERE instead of HERE.
4. After having either 2-3 days to do whatever, I am faced with 4-5 days at the beck and call of someone else and the clock starting with Mondays.
5. Still having to carry the whole load of housework, bill paying, child care, etc after working a 9 hour day outside the home and Monday was the day that started it all.
Poor Monday. It really gets a bad rap. I should be happy to have another day. I should be happy to start a new week where hopefully I can always do better.
A large part of my issue with Monday is most possibly mental. After retiring in February it took me a month or so to relax on Sunday nights when I started dreading Mondays. Every single Sunday evening about 7 p.m., sometimes earlier, I would start feeling anxious. But at least after retirement I could snap myself back to the reality that I did not have to go to work on Monday morning.
Still Monday Morning tends to be an issue. Husband still leaves the state. I still have to get up and going after sleeping later on the weekend. Usually I mistakenly schedule appointments on Monday morning hoping to get things done and over with which I regret on Monday morning.
Oh well.
When you think about it, Monday is actually a stand-up guy. He shows up every week right on time. He takes the punches and keeps going. If Monday didn't do it then Tuesday would have to and Tuesday doesn't strike me as being as strong as Monday.
So Monday, we may dread you, malign you, cry when you turn up, pull the covers up over our heads, but we're happy you are around. After all, what would we do without you when we can't even get it all done with a 7 day week. With 6 it would really be impossible.
Welcome Monday? Today you are getting off to a sad start. Husband is on a plane to California. I could only exercise for 3/4 of the time I usually exercise because of the shower door installer coming at 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. The shower door installer was an hour late. The said shower door installer said this installation was going to take 3 hours instead of 2. (If you do the math that means I am sitting here doing security on the bedroom floor while he works for at least 4 hours instead of 2.) I got stressed and all ready drank a diet Pepsi. I hope that the shower door installer really knows what he is talking about when he says this is only going to take 3 hours. He is speaking Spanish but it seems that he is saying that there is a part missing or that he wonders about the measurements. Oh dear!
Oops! Up on a previous paragraph didn't I say I was happy to have Monday? Repeat after me..... I love Monday, I love Monday, I love Monday.
Sigh. Okay so that didn't really work.
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