Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Whole Soul Month

Our Bishop spoke in Sacrament Meeting on Easter Sunday. He has challenged the whole ward to something he calls "Whole Soul Month." He would like all of us to do more, strive more, improve ourselves more.

He referenced Omni 1:26

26 "And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

It feels pretty exciting to have this challenge. We should all be doing this anyway, but it has seemed to be a LONG winter and with Spring arriving it feels like a new start. The challenge is quite appropriate for Easter -- a resurrection, sort of.

I do not know exactly what I will do more of. That is still in the planning. Taking a look at what I am doing now is first and I am doing that. It is easy to get too comfortable and not improve myself. For a while I have wanted to increase my temple attendance. That is one thing I can add to the list for my personal soul.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I was thinking about the activities I pursue. It is pretty varied. The "lady" things I pursue like crocheting, sewing, reading, walking, shopping, growing flowers, movies, playing with grandchildren,going to museums, and plays, etc. are of course, on the list. But then I started thinking about things I do because Robert wanted to do them first.

For instance:





I often feel sheer terror participating in these activities. But if I want to be with Robert, and I do, I am going to be in the Jeep, on the slopes, renting my own snowmobile, and sitting on the back of the motorcycle.

AND, I get to see things like this:

Arch in Moab

Convergence of the Green and Colorado Rivers

An abandoned mine in Colorado.

Ride for Emily (Over 5000 bikes!)

One of the kids on a jump!

I never would have done these things on my own and see what I would have missed!
It is a beautiful world.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I have STOLEN my daughter's house slippers!

My daughter, Leslie, and her family are living with us for a while. She couldn't find her house slippers after the move. Then last week or so she found them in a box that was packed. One day she left them downstairs and I needed to have some foot wear of any kind. So I slipped them on and my feet said, "AHHH!" Since then I haven't given them back. I have kept them in my room. Of course, that is where I take them off and put them on, right. They are not prisoners or anything like that!
The other day she said, "So, you like my slippers?"
I just smiled. Then I said, "I have stolen them."
She said, "Do you remember that you bought them for me?"
I barely did.
Then she said, "So you think you are taking them back?"
My response was, "No, I stole them."
Her response was, "Don't worry, I am going to get them back."
We will see. I wonder if she can be bought off.

Now why would anyone want to wear these:

Or These:

When they can wear these: (They are cute, warm, and cozy!)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Starting over OR Beginning again?

I am either starting over or beginning again to post. A couple of days ago I started a Facebook page. If I can't keep up on a blog it is interesting that I would start something new. Well, actually I have started a new blog and also the Facebook page. The Facebook page is pretty fun and I think that I can link my blog entries to it and that maybe will give me one sort of "portal" or at least a reminder to post on a blog.
1. Random Thoughts is just that. I started a blog before that called "Thinking Out Loud." I lost that one and it is still there I have discovered, but I don't post there.
2. Grandma's House is a blog for an enrichment group. I have not given them the link yet. I have several tabs and hope to populate them so that people can just go there to look for grandparenting ideas (fun ones) and we won't have to meet.
3. Facebook. I started this mainly so that I can see more of what my children are doing. Amanda only posts on facebook. Leslie and Sara post on facebook. Spencer posts on facebook. Jared has a blog. Beth has a blog. They are both on facebook too.
I have a tickler that pops up on my computer at work each day telling me to blog. I usually ignore it lately. But I am thinking that I want to think of some things to blog here that are more fun. Not necessarily for any reader's entertainment but for my own. That should inspire me to blog more, right? Right.....