Monday, March 24, 2008

I have STOLEN my daughter's house slippers!

My daughter, Leslie, and her family are living with us for a while. She couldn't find her house slippers after the move. Then last week or so she found them in a box that was packed. One day she left them downstairs and I needed to have some foot wear of any kind. So I slipped them on and my feet said, "AHHH!" Since then I haven't given them back. I have kept them in my room. Of course, that is where I take them off and put them on, right. They are not prisoners or anything like that!
The other day she said, "So, you like my slippers?"
I just smiled. Then I said, "I have stolen them."
She said, "Do you remember that you bought them for me?"
I barely did.
Then she said, "So you think you are taking them back?"
My response was, "No, I stole them."
Her response was, "Don't worry, I am going to get them back."
We will see. I wonder if she can be bought off.

Now why would anyone want to wear these:

Or These:

When they can wear these: (They are cute, warm, and cozy!)

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